Saturday, 17 October 2015


Hey guys,
                I was just thinking about how I haven't uploading in a while and I miss talking to you but I don't really have anything to talk about but.....

I don't celebrate halloween at all, usually everybody in my house would turn off the lights and not answer the door to anybody but this halloween I will be going out with my friends and we have all decided on what we are going as and I'll tell you in a minute now.

Me and my friend Hana are going up to wear my friends Annaleigh, Mia and Charlotte live and we all have to have a bag of our make up and the clothes we are wearing and we are then just going to leave them in Charlotte's house and we are just going to go out and have fun until like 6 ish and then we are going up to Charlotte's and we are going to do our make up the way the person we are dressing up as does it, then get changed and go and mess about as our character. Right I think its about time I tell you who we are all going as so here goes.

Right we are all going as something to do with PLL (Pretty Little Liars) so I'm going as Alison and this is the make up I will be attempting to do so I need to do a red lip and a thick cat eye. I will NOT be wearing a dress like that, I don't even know if I'm going to wear a dress.

Ok next is Charlotte going as Hanna Marin and this is the make up she will be attempting to do but what is bad is that I love smokey/dark eyes and Charlottes doesn't like doing them and she like light make up like Alison but hay hoe, I don't know what she will be wearing.

Next, Annaleigh will be going as Aria Montgomery and to be honest I don't know what her make up will look like because apparently she can't do it and I also don't know what she will be wearing but I think it may be a leather jacket and black dress.

2 more to go, right now it's Mia and she will be going as A but she will apparently be putting leaves in her hair as she said "I could imagine A looking though bushes" and she will be wearing a black hoodie and she will be putting a big A on it in red I believe anyway.

Now lastly, Hana is going as a doll as she had already got her costume before we said we would go with her so she is going to be a doll from one of the episodes (can't remember which one) but she will be going as that, I don't know what her make up will look like and sadly I don't have a picture of her outfit either :( 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post
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Love you guys so much 