Hey Guys,
I've been back in school for 5 days and I've had so much homework.
2 pieces from History
1 from English
1 from French
1 from Geography
and more I think, but that is a lot for me as I usually only have about 3 though the whole year.
My birthday as you all know was on the 21st of August and my Nan forgot about my birthday and so I had to call her and ask if she has sent out my card and she said 'what card' so I said 'my birthday card' and she said 'aw I forgot'. I was very angry after that (BTW if you can't guess we don't talk to her)
I absolutely hate PE with the boys as we used to just have it with the girls but as top set has they're GCSE's this year and the rest of us don't so on a Friday I have it with the boys in middle and bottom as well otherwise it will just me the girls from middle set.
Cant really think of anything else (haha, I have the mind of a goldfish I'm sure)
Hope you enjoyed reading about my last couple of days, well what I can remember of them x
Thank you for reading this
Love you all x