Tuesday 5 September 2017

I am basically using this as a diary at the minute!

Hey guys,
                I have noticed that I'm not really using a blog like a blog. I know this isn't what you probably want to read but I'm still in school so I don't really have the time to write really good blog posts. But, if you do enjoy these types of blogs please tell me. I am currently in my GCSE year so I could write my blogs about the way I revise or write my essays or even just do the school work I have. As a way to help those who are going through my situation and don't know how to do a certain thing. please reply what you would want to see more on my blog as it will really help me narrow it down. 

I love you guys. Bye


Saturday 13 May 2017

Sorry Guys!

Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I haven't been having any inspiration and to be honest I haven't been in the mood  to do anything especially write to anyone but I am going to try and brake through this feeling as I feel like I am letting you down. So I know this is only a short upload as I've decided to try and start over so if you have any type of blog post you would like to see, it doesn't have to be anything I've done before please comment them below as I feel like that will really help me get back to my usual self. 

Thank you for reading 

Saturday 25 February 2017


Hey guys,
I have decided to do a this or that because I realised that I haven't uploaded in a while and I was bored so I thought I would write one. If you have any ideas comment them below. 

Netflix or YouTube?
YouTube all the way 

Phone Call or Text?

Toast or Eggs?
Toast, I don't like eggs

Cardio or Weights?

Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone?
Ice Cream Cone

While walking: Music or Podcasts?

iOS or Android?

Cake or Pie?

Swimming or Sunbathing?
Swimming probably but I do love sunbathing

New Clothes or New Phone?
New phone 

Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?
Loyal Friend

Nice Car or Nice Home Interior?
Nice home interior, I'd love to work as a home designer but I don't think I'd be able to do it 

Pancake or Waffle?
Pancakes even though I do like waffles

Coffee or Tea?

Movie at Home or Movie in the Cinema?
I don't have the money to go to the cinema so movie at home

Working Alone or Working in a Team?
Working alone, I hate working in teams

TV Shows or Movies?
TV shows because the only movies I really watch is Disney


Saturday 31 December 2016

New Year!

Hey guys, 

So it is New Years Eve and at 12 it will turn 2017! It is unbelievable how quick this year has gone it literally only feels like I was starting school yesterday. I don't think I remember most of what happened this year but I know I have had some good times and most probably some bad times like most people do in a year. 

I hope you have all enjoyed 2016 and that you have had memorable moments. I would have to say I have liked this year but then there have been moments where I just wished everything/everyone would go away. But I am not here to be a 'Debbie Downer', I'm here to say that 2017 is coming and that I hope that everyone has a amazing New Year with their family, friends, pets etc. Make sure to think about the positives of life and don't worry about anything that you shouldn't be stressing about or isn't worth stressing about. Let your hair down and enjoy your time!!!



Monday 26 December 2016



Hey guys,

Christmas has come and pasted and I have never been so sad in my life. I was so excited for Christmas and now I am sad that it is over. I am so grateful for everything I had and I hope one day and I can give amazing presents back to my family. (Sorry some of these photos are bad, I took them on Christmas Day and didn't focus on what I was doing enough)

I also had more makeup brushes but I forgot to take photos of them and I had a black turtle neck, black jacket, black block heel boots and black jeans but the photos didn't show them as black because of the background but I love them so much. 

I went up my grandparents as I always do on boxing day to have dinner and just be around family. I wore my black turtle neck, blue jeans and my black boots. I adored this outfit so much and I felt confident in it which truth be told does not happen much. I was meant to take a picture but I totally forgot to. Ops (I'll have to take one one day and post it somewhere, haha)

I had 6 surprised things off my parent as usually we get given the amount of money we are allowed and we get what we want. They were the bag with the key ring, travel mug and the pencils, Finding Dory, selection box, the mug that had 'meow' on it, the cat socks and Terry's Chocolate Orange. I was so surprised when I had all of these and I was so close to crying all the time. I am lucky to have presents of my siblings as well as my parents. I am sooo grateful for absolutely EVERYTHING that I got and I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas if you celebrate it but if you don't I hope you enjoyed it and didn't get annoyed by everyone posting about their Christmas including me.


Saturday 24 December 2016

One more sleep till Christmas

Hey guys,

Yes I did sing the song from the muppets when I wrote this title down. When I am writing the I am also watching the muppets Christmas carol. I have felt so helpful tonight, even though I have only helped a neighbour take boxes of chocolates around to people this evening, I felt as if I made this day happy by having a chat with him.

I said to my father earlier about you friends having new pyjamas for Christmas and he said that if he knew which present was my pyjamas then he would let me wear them. When I came home from helping my neighbour not long after my parents came back from picking up a few bits and bobs from Tescos, they said that they had presents for us to open TONIGHT and they were new pyjamas so me and my sisters have new pyjamas.

I feel like me and my father have started a new tradition with making anything gingerbread as we have done it two years in a row and I hope the pyjamas will be one as well now. Do any of you have any traditions that you do with your family?


Wednesday 21 December 2016

Christmas Gingerbread House

Hey guys,

Today me and my Father (and with some parts my mother joined in) decided to make a gingerbread house because last year we made gingerbread men. Me and my Father are the only ones who like gingerbread. It was really fun making this today, I think it is because I was around my parents and whenever we have a good time it is really nice to see everyone smiling and having fun. 

Billy (the cat) kept wanting to come up to see what was going on. He would pop his head up at the beginning and I'd get him down before he could jump up onto the table. He ended up going on his scratching post and also the window sill. 

When it came to finishing the gingerbread house the gummy sweets started sliding down but we saved them and put them back where they were. Doing the icing was quite easy except when it came to touching the icing together as then it would go weird and mess it up. We cleaned it up a bit and then left it as we didn't want it to go any worse. 

My favourite part was probably doing the front of the house. Even though some of it kind of looks like a mess. Where it went right it looks alright. At the end when everything was finished I ate some of the icing that was left and I felt so sick after it as I had way too much sugar in like 5 minutes. If any of you made anything send me a picture or comment how it went down below.
