Sunday 30 August 2015


Hey guys,
                Recently I have started wearing earrings again, I stopped because my ears went red every time I wore a certain pair so I stopped wearing them but as my cousins gone to do a job over in Australia, so my nan gave me and my sisters the earrings that she left and I decided to wear a pair. My ears did go red at first but then they settled down and I've been wearing a different pair every time I go out. I don't really like the big ones but likely I didn't get given them ones, also for my birthday my friend got me necklace and in with the necklace was studs so I wore those up my grandparents yesterday.

Out of all of these earrings I mostly wear the last two, the ones not on the packages, the silver one is what my friend gave me and the triangle one is what I had from my cousin 

I hope you enjoyed this and I might be uploading another other tonight and I think it might be a review xx

Thank you for reading this blog 
and I'll see you soon

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