Wednesday 26 August 2015

The Fun Questions Tag

Hi guys,
             I'm just going to answer some questions as I have nothing else to do :)

1. When is your birthday?
21st of August

2. What are your 3 favourite colours?
Baby pink, Baby blue and Yellow 

3. What are your 3 favourite quotes?
      Hakuna Matata
   It means no worries 
For the rest of your days

    The greatest 
 pleasure in life is 
     doing what 
  people say you 
     cannot do 

    Don't judge 
    My choices 
   My reasons

4. Are you addicted to YouTube?
Who isn't

5. What are 4 of your favourite shows on TV or YouTube or both?
EastEnders, Pretty Little Liars, Switched At Birth and New Girl

6. What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend?
Humour, kind and being themselves

7. Do you like your name? 
Yes, I love my name 

8. If you had the choice to pick your own name what would it be?
I would be called what I am now, Caitlin

9. What makes you sad?
Thinking of my grandad and how I didn't meet him and sad songs 

10. Do you wear makeup?
Yes, but only on weekends 

I hope you enjoyed
Reading this 
Bye <3

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